The British are known for their fantastic beer, and also for pontificating about things. Oz Clark and James May in their tv show Oz and James Drink to Britain toured the UK to discover the drink that exemplifies the British character. They settled on a “lovely cup of tea” but a “good honest pint” was in the running for a while. James described beer as the “drink to slake the thirst of the common man because he’s been building things all day.”
The current trend in beer is to push the envelope, to stand out from the crowd, to challenge the drinker with extreme flavors. Here at Drop In we’re more than capable of joining that party. We’ve trained some of the best extreme brewers in the country through our American Brewers Guild programs. However, I think that sometimes we need to take a step back and just enjoy the pint in front of us. An English ESB is rich, full bodied, is brewed with flavorful malts and traditional hop varieties. Not pretentious, not designed to be dissected, torn apart, and endlessly reviewed. Just a beer that makes you smack your lips, drain the pint and think to yourself “I earned this today.”