
Posted to Beer Styles October 24, 2020 by Steve Parkes

Every brewing nation has a tradition of brewing strong beers. The British brew barley wines, the Belgians brew tripels, the Scots brew wee heavies, Americans brew malt liquor, and the Germans brew doppelbocks. A “bock’ beer is already a strong beer but a doppelbock is something special. There is a tradition in Germany of naming this style with the same last 4 letters….ATOR. We plan on following that tradition. Legend has it that a Franciscan order of monks first brewed a very strong beer to sustain them during their fasting, and called it “Salvator” meaning “saviour”. Modern brewers use names that honor the original such as Celebrator, Optimator, Maximator, etc. There are 200 beers registered in Germany with ATOR in their names.
Doppelbocks are strong, alcohol and malt flavors dominate, hops are gently balanced, and hop aroma is light, almost non existance. They tend to finish with some sweetness, fruity esters are dominant, and some rich raisiny full bodied character is always there.